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Json Payloads

If you're using Joist for a REST API, or in React Server components passing props to client-side components, the toJSON function can succinctly and type-safely create JSON output.


Creating JSON Payloads is a newer feature of Joist, so if you have ideas on how to make it even better, please let us know!

Basic Usage

For example, given a Author entity, we can use toJSON to create a tree of output:

const a = await em.load(Author, "a:1");
// Describe the shape of your payload
const payload = await a.toJSON({
id: true,
books: { id: true, reviews: { rating: true } }
// payload will be typed with only the keys you requested

This will create the JSON:

"id": "a:1",
"books": [
"id": "b:1",
"reviews": [
{ "rating": 5 },
{ "rating": 4 }

Note how:

  • The books and collections are automatically loaded
    • If you've already loaded the collections, they won't be reloaded
    • If you have preloading enabled, this will make 1 SQL call to load all books & book reviews
  • Only fields that are explicitly requested are included in the output
  • The output is correctly typed, for type-checking against your API response types

Outputting Lists

If you have an array of entities to output, you can use the static toJSON function:

import { toJSON } from "joist-orm";
const authors = await em.find(Author, {});
const jsonArray = await toJSON(
{ id, books: { id, reviews: { rating } }

Outputting Ids

Often APIs will request the id of an entity, so toJSON supports Id and Ids-based suffixes:

const a = await em.load(Author, "a:1");
const payload = await a.toJSON({
publisherId: true,
bookIds: true,
// returns { publisherId: "p:1", bookIds: ["b:1", "b:2"] }

Custom Fields

If you need to create JSON fields that are not 1-1 mapped to an entity, you can add async functions to the hint, and they will be called with the entity as the first argument:

const a = await em.load(Author, "a:1");
console.log(await a.toJSON({
books: {
customTitle: async (b) => {
return b.title + " by " + (await;