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GraphQL-Compatible Filters

Joist's find supports the standard "filter as object literal" pattern, i.e.

const authors = em.find(Author, { age: { gte: 20 } });

And the generated AuthorFilter type that drives this query is fairly picky, i.e. age: null is not a valid query if the age column is not null.

This works great for TypeScript code, but when doing interop with GraphQL (i.e. via types generated by graphql-code-generator), Joist's normal AuthorFilter typing is "too good", i.e. while GraphQL's type system is great, it is more coarse than TypeScript's, so you end up with things like age: number | null | undefined on the GQL filter type.

To handle this, Joist generates separate GraphQL-specific filter types, i.e. AuthorGraphQLFilter, that can fairly seamlessly integrate with GraphQL queries with a dedicated findGql query methods.

I.e. given some generated GraphQL types like:

/** Example AuthorFilter generated by graphql-code-generator. */
interface GraphQLAuthorFilter {
age?: GraphQLIntFilter | null | undefined;

/** Example IntFilter generated by graphql-code-generator. */
interface GraphQLIntFilter {
eq?: number | null | undefined;
in?: number[] | null | undefined;
lte?: number | null | undefined;
lt?: number | null | undefined;
gte?: number | null | undefined;
gt?: number | null | undefined;
ne?: number | null | undefined;

Joist's EntityManager.findGql will accept the filter type as-is / "directly off the wire" without any cumbersome mapping:

// I.e. from the GraphQL args.filter parameter
const gqlFilter: GraphQLAuthorFilter = {
age: { eq: 2 },
const authors = await em.findGql(Author, gqlFilter);

Also note that while the age: { eq: 2 } is a really clean way to write filters by hand, it can be annoying to dynamically create, i.e. in a UI that needs to conditionally change the operator from "equals" to "not equals", because there is not a single key to bind against in the input type.

To make building these UIs easier, findGql also accepts a "more-boring" { op: "gt", value: 1 } syntax. The value of the op key can be any of the supported operators, i.e. gt, lt, gte, ne, etc.