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Installing Joist in your project has four main steps:

  1. Setting up your database
  2. Setting up joist-codegen
  3. Setting up your tests
  4. Setting up your production code

A wrinkle is that each Node.js application can be pretty different, in terms of how you manage your local database (i.e. with Docker Compose), what your production application looks like (a REST API, a GraphQL API, etc.), etc.

So, to simplify this page, we'll include some assumptions based on the Joist sample app, but you should be able to adjust these steps to your specific project.


If you want a faster intro than this page, you should be able to check out the sample app, run the commands in its readme, and just start poking around.


Joist requires Node 18.

Setting up your database

The sample app uses docker compose and a db.dockerfile file to manage the local Postgres database.

To start it, clone the sample app, and run:

docker compose build db
docker compose up -d db

The docker-compose.yml exposes the sample_app database on port 5342, so it is accessible with an environment variable of:


The following steps will assume your database is available at this location (it is already set in the sample app's env/local.env file), but you can set DATABASE_URL to whatever is appropriate for your application.

Setting up migrations

You should also set up a migrations library to manage your database schema; the Joist sample app uses node-pg-migrate.

If you do use node-pg-migrate as well, you can install Joist's node-pg-migrate-based helper methods (like createEntityTable, createEnumTable, createManyToManyTable, etc.):

npm add --save-dev joist-migration-utils

And add joist-migrate and joist-new-migration commands to your package.json:

"scripts": {
"joist-migrate": "env-cmd tsx ./node_modules/joist-migration-utils",
"joist-new-migration": "npx node-pg-migrate create"

The sample app uses env-cmd to load the environment variables from .env before running joist-migration-utils, and tsx to transpile the migration's *.ts code to JavaScript, but if you don't like that, you can manage your application's environment variables however you like.


Invoking Joist's joist-migration-utils is really just a tiny wrapper around node-pg-migrate that:

  • Reads the connection config from either a single DATABASE_URL or multiple DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USER, and DB_PASSWORD environment variables
  • Runs the "up" command against the migrations/ directory

If you want to invoke node-pg-migrate's cli directly instead, that's just fine.

Now we can apply migrations by running:

npm run joist-migrate

The sample app also supports resetting the database schema (so you can re-run the migrations from scratch) by running:

docker compose exec db ./

While we used node-pg-migrate for this section, Joist is agnostic to your migration tool and will codegen based on your database schema, so you're welcome to use node-pg-migrate, Knex's migrations, or another tool for migrations/schema management.


As a quirk of node-pg-migrate, the first migration that it creates via joist-new-migration will always be a .js file.

Once you rename that first migration to a .ts file, all subsequent migrations will be created as .ts files.

Setting up joist-codegen

Install the joist-codegen package as a dev dependency and add a joist-codegen script to your package.json:

npm add --save-dev joist-codegen
"scripts": {
"joist-codegen": "env-cmd tsx ./node_modules/joist-codegen"

This again uses env-cmd, as joist-codegen will use the DATABASE_URL environment variable to connect to your local database.

Now, anytime you make schema changes (i.e. by running npm run joist-migrate), you can also run joist-codegen to create/update your domain model:

npm run joist-codegen

Setting up your tests

We want each test to get a clean/fresh database, so we should set up a beforeEach to invoke our local-only flush_database command:

The sample app does this via a setupTests.ts file that will be used for all tests:

import { EntityManager } from "src/entities";
import { knex as createKnex, Knex } from "knex";
import { PostgresDriver } from "joist-orm";
import { newPgConnectionConfig } from "joist-utils";

let knex: Knex;

// Knex is used as a single/global connection pool + query builder
function getKnex(): Knex {
return (knex ??= createKnex({
client: "pg",
connection: newPgConnectionConfig() as any,
debug: false,
asyncStackTraces: true,

export function newEntityManager(): EntityManager {
return new EntityManager({}, new PostgresDriver(getKnex()));

beforeEach(async () => {
const knex = await getKnex();

afterAll(async () => {
if (knex) {
await knex.destroy();

The newPgConnectionConfig helper method from joist-utils also uses the DATABASE_URL environment variable, which we can have loaded into the Jest process by using env-cmd in a setupTestEnv.js file:

import { GetEnvVars } from "env-cmd";

export default async function globalSetup() {
Object.entries(await GetEnvVars()).forEach(([key, value]) => (process.env[key] = value));

And then configure jest.config.js to use both files:

module.exports = {
preset: "ts-jest",
globalSetup: "<rootDir>/src/setupTestEnv.ts",
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["<rootDir>/src/setupTests.ts"],
testMatch: ["<rootDir>/src/**/*.test.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}"],
moduleNameMapper: {
"^src(.*)": "<rootDir>/src$1",

While Joist's newPgConnectionConfig uses the same environment variable convention as joist-codegen, with the idea that your app's production environment variables will be set automatically by your deployment infra (i.e. in the style of Twelve Factor Applications), you're free to configure Knex with whatever idiomatic configuration looks like for your app.

See the Knex config documentation.

As usual, you can/should adjust all of this to your specific project.

Now your unit tests should be able to create an EntityManager and work with the domain objects:

import { Author, EntityManager, newAuthor } from "src/entities";
import { newEntityManager } from "src/setupTests";

describe("Author", () => {
it("can be created", async () => {
const em = newEntityManager();
const a = new Author(em, { firstName: "a1" });
await em.flush();

Setting up your production code

Finally, you can use the EntityManager and your domain objects in your production code.

First install the joist-orm dependency:

npm add --save-dev joist-orm

This is where the guide really becomes "it depends on your application", but in theory it will look very similar to setting up the tests:

  1. Configure a single/global knex instance that will act as the connection pool,
  2. For each request, create a new EntityManager to perform that request's work

An extremely simple example might look like:

import { EntityManager, Author } from "./entities";
import { newPgConnectionConfig, PostgresDriver } from "joist-orm";
import { knex as createKnex, Knex } from "knex";

// Create our global knex connection
let knex: Knex = createKnex({
client: "pg",
connection: newPgConnectionConfig(),
debug: false,
asyncStackTraces: true,

// Create a helper method for our requests to create a new EntityManager
function newEntityManager(): EntityManager {
// If you have a per-request context object, you can create that here
const ctx = {};
return new EntityManager(ctx, new PostgresDriver(getKnex()));

// Handle GET `/authors`
app.get("/authors", async (req, res) => {
// Create a new em
const em = newEntityManager();
// Find all authors
const authors = await em.find(Author, {});
// Send them back as JSON

Note that you'll again need the DATABASE_URL environment variable set, but that will depend on whatever hosting provider you're using to run the app (or, per the previous disclaimer, you're free to configure the Knex connection pool with whatever configuration approach/library you like).