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Joist prefers convention over configuration, but it still has some knobs to control its behavior.

The configuration is split into two sections:

  1. Codegen config, used by npm run joist-codegen during the code generation build step,
  2. Runtime config, used by EntityManager at runtime to configure the database that Joist connects to.

You can get started without any codegen config, and only some minimal runtime config.

Codegen Configuration

The codegen configuration is controlled by a ./joist-config.json file, that npm run joist-codegen will look for and automatically run.

A short, minimalistic example is:

"entitiesDirectory": "./src/entities"

Each of the supported keys are described below. Note this is an exhaustive list, but all the keys are optional.


This is the build-time connection information for your database, e.g. it is only used when running npm run joist-codegen, and won't be used for either your unit tests or production code, because it's assumed to have a hard-coded/local-only host/port/etc.

If this is not set, npm run joist-codegen will also look for a DATABASE_URL environment variable.


Controls the type of the domain model's id properties, i.e. or

Available values: tagged-string, untagged-string, number.

Joist's default behavior is tagged-string which means the type of will be a string, and the value will be "a:1" where a is the "tag" established for all Author entities, and 1 is the numeric primary key value of that row.

If you do not want the a: tagged prefix, you can use untagged-string or number:

"idType": "untagged-string"

This is currently a project-wide setting and cannot be changed on an entity-by-entity basis.

Also note that this idType setting controls the codegen output, but Joist will still look at the database type of each individual entity's id column to determine if the SQL values are actually numbers (i.e. auto increment integers) or other types like UUIDs.


Even if you use untagged-strings, currently Joist still manages ids internally as tagged, and so you'll still see a per-entity tag established in the joist-config.json file, but the tag will be stripped by the id getters.


This optional key specifies your application specific Context type, if you're using that pattern.

The expectation is that this will be a request-level Context, i.e. it might hold user auth information or other application-specific information.

If you pass your request-level Context to each EntityManager:

import { Context } from "src/context";
import { EntityManager } from "src/entities";

const em = new EntityManager(ctx, driver);

Then in EntityManager-managed hooks, you'll be able to access the context:

config.beforeDelete((book, ctx) => {
if (!ctx.user.isAdmin) {
return "Only admins can delete a book";

And the ctx param will be correctly typed to your application's specific Context type.


This controls whether Joist outputs the entity, codegen, and metadata files.

The default is ./src/entities.


Joist's preferred approach to testing is to let tests COMMIT their code, and then use a flush_database stored procedure to very quickly TRUNCATE all tables between each test.

This flush_database stored procedure if created during npm run codegen.

If you'd prefer to not use, you can set this to false:

"createFlushFunction": false

If you have multiple test databases (i.e. one per Jest work), you can set the parameter to an array of database names:

"createFlushFunction": ["db_test_1", "db_test_2"]


Allows ignoring tables, i.e. not generating TypeScript entities for them.

"ignoredTables": ["some_old_thing"]


This setting controls how joist-codegen handles non-deferred foreign keys:

  • "error" will have Joist error out & require the key to be made deferred
    • This is recommended but not required
  • "warn" will have Joist report any non-deferred keys, but still generate the output
    • This is the default, to encourage users to convert their FKs to deferred
  • "ignore" will have Joist ignore any non-deferred keys
    • If you don't want to use deferred FKs, this setting will have Joist just ignore them

Note that, without deferred FKs, Joist will still behave correctly, i.e. if calling em.flush with both a new Author and a new Book, both with FKs that point to the other not-yet-inserted entity, then Joist will:

  • Insert the authors row with book_id=NULL to let the INSERT succeed
  • Insert the books rows with author_id=1 for the book INSERT
  • Update the authors row to set book_id=1 now that the books rows is available

This approach works, but requires the extra "fixup" UPDATE after the two INSERTs, which is why we recommend using deferred FKs.


Note that if you have a cycle of NOT NULL foreign keys in your schema (which is rare), Joist will report this as a fatal error, and require you to either make one/all of them nullable, or deferred, or both.


Joist will automatically manage columns like Author.created_at and Author.updated_at.

The timestampColumns key lets you configure your schema's conventions for column names.

For example the following config looks for only updated_at and created_at and requires both column to be present for Joist to consider a database table and entity table:

"timestampFields": {
"updatedAt": {
"names": ["updated_at"],
"required": true
"createdAt": {
"names": ["created_at"],
"required": true
"deletedAt": {
"names": ["deleted_at"],
"required": true

The default configuration is basically:

"timestampFields": {
"updatedAt": {
"names": ["updated_at", "updatedAt"],
"required": false
"createdAt": {
"names": ["created_at", "createdAt"],
"required": false

I.e. Joist will look for either updated_at or updatedAt naming conventions, and will not require the updatedAt column be present to consider a table an entity table.


Allows other functionality to be inserted into the npm run joist-codegen pipeline.

The current example is an extra GraphQL-specific plugin that creates GraphQL-specific scaffolding/output based on your domain model:

"codegenPlugins": ["joist-graphql-codegen"]


This is a big section that allows per-entity configuration.

There are several sub-keys:

export interface EntityConfig {
tag: string;
tableName?: string;
fields?: Record<string, FieldConfig>;
relations?: Record<string, RelationConfig>;
orderBy?: string;


This controls the tag that Joist uses for each entity. By default, Joist will guess a tag by abbreviating a table name books_reviews as the tag br and automatically save it in joist-config.json. If you'd like a different value, you're free to change it.

"entities": {
"Author": { "tag": "a" }

Note that you should probably not change the tag name for an entity after it has been deployed to production, b/c the tagged id could exist in external systems, i.e. if you've sent "a:1" to a 3rd party system, and then change your tag to "author", you might break an integration that tries to look up the entity by the old "a:1" value.


Allows defining specific entity names for tables, for example if you had a tbl_publishers table that you wanted to back the Publisher entity, then you could setup:

"entities": {
"Publisher": { "tableName": "tbl_publishers" }

By default, Joist assumes table names are plural (i.e. publishers) and will singular the name for the entity name (i.e. Publisher).


Allows defining a default orderBy for the entity, i.e. if you want to always order Publisher entities by name by default, you could setup:

"entities": {
"Publisher": { "orderBy": "name" }

The orderBy value must be the field name of a primitive, synchronous value on the entity. Or a field name with an ASC / DESC suffix, i.e. "orderBy": "name DESC".

If unset, Joist will order by id by default to ensure deterministic ordering.


You can configure primitive fields by setting the camel-cased field name in the entity's fields key:

"entities": {
"Author": { "fields": { "firstName": {} } }

Within the field literal, these values are supported:

export interface FieldConfig {
derived?: "sync" | "async";
protected?: boolean;
ignore?: true;
superstruct?: string;
zodSchema?: string;
type?: string;


  • derived controls whether this field is derived from business logic ( to docs...)

  • protected controls whether this is field is protected and so can only be accessed internally by the domain model code

  • ignore controls whether to ignore the field

  • superstruct links to the superstruct type to use for jsonb columns, i.e. commentStreamReads@src/entities/superstruct

  • zodSchema links to the Zod schema to use for jsonb columns, i.e. CommentStreamReads@src/entities/schemas

  • type links to an TypeScript type to use instead of the schema derived one

    Currently, the type must be a branded type of the runtime type, b/c Joist will still instantiate the value with whatever it's schema-derived value is.

    See this discussion for a future serde feature that would allow you to instantiate custom runtime values.


You can configure relations (references and collections to other entities) by setting the camel-cased relation name in the entity's relations key:

export interface RelationConfig {
polymorphic?: "notNull" | true;
large?: true;
orderBy?: string;

The supported values are:

  • polymorphic creates this relation as a polymorphic relation, which logical combines several physical foreign keys into a single field
  • large indicates that a collection is too big to be fully loaded into memory and changes the generated type to LargeCollection
  • orderBy allows setting an order specific to this collection, the value must be a primitive, synchronous field on the entities within the collection

Runtime Configuration

There are three main things to configure at runtime:

  • Connection pool
  • Driver
  • EntityManager

Connection Pool

Your application should have a single global connection pool; currently Joist recommends using knex:

import { newPgConnectionConfig } from "joist-utils";

const knex = createKnex({
client: "pg",
// This will read DATABASE_URL, but you can use whatever config you want, see the knex docs
connection: newPgConnectionConfig(),
// Setting this is true will `console.log` the SQL statements that Joist executes
debug: false,
asyncStackTraces: true,


Joist has a Driver interface to support multiple different databases, like Postgres or MySQL or even an experimental in-memory driver. Currently only Postgres is supported.

Similar to the knex connection pool, you can create a single global instance of this driver:

const driver = new PostgresDriver(knex);


When creating the PostgresDriver, you can pass an IdAssigner instance, which currently has three implementations:

  • SequenceIdAssigner assigns numeric ids from each entity's SEQUENCE
  • RandomUuidAssigner assigns random UUIDs if you're using UUID columns
  • TestUuidAssigner assigns deterministic UUIDs for unit testing


With the global connection pool and Driver instance, you can create per-request EntityManager instances:

// Your application's per-request Context, if applicable
const ctx = {};
const em = new EntityManager(ctx, driver);