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No Ugly Queries

Historically, ORMs have a reputation for creating "ugly queries", particularly when the ORM's query API adds too much abstraction on top of raw SQL, and what "looks simple" in the query API is actually a big, gnarly SQL string that no programmer would ever write by hand.

These ugly queries can cause multiple issues:

  • Performance issues b/c of their arcane output can't be optimized by the database,
  • Logic issues (bugs) b/c the generated SQL that doesn't actually do what the programmer meant (leaky abstractions), and
  • Just look weird in general.

And have caused a backlash of programmers who insist on writing every SQL query by hand.

Joist asserts this is a false dichotomy; we shouldn't have to choose between:

  • "Handwriting every line of SQL in our app", and
  • "The ORM generates ugly queries"

How does Joist solve this? By not trying so hard.

Use mostly Joist, with some custom

Joist "solves" ugly queries by just never even attempting them: it's a non-goal for Joist to own "every SQL query in your app".

Granted, we think Joist's graph navigation & em.find APIs are powerful, ergonomic, and should be the large majority of SQL queries in your app: "get this author's books", "load the books & reviews & their ratings", "load the Nth page of authors with the given filters", etc.

However, we've limited them to only features that can be implemented with "obviously boring SQL".

Instead, for any of your queries that are truly custom, and doing "hard, complicated things", it's perfectly fine to use a separate, lower-level query builder, or even raw SQL strings, to issue complicated queries.

These lower-level APIs put you in full-control of the SQL, at the cost of more verbosity and complexity--but sometimes that is the right tradeoff!


In one production Joist codebase, approximately 95% of the SQL queries were Joist-created graph navigation & em.find queries, and 5% were handwritten custom Knex queries.

This ratio will vary between codebases, but we feel confident it will be over 80%, and that the succinctness of using Joist for these 80-95% cases (with their guarantee to be "not ugly"), is a big productivity win.

What we don't support

Specifically, today Joist does not support:

  • Common Table Expressions
  • Group bys, aggregates, sums, havings
  • Loading/processing any query results that aren't entities
  • Probably much more

Granted, we don't want to undersell our em.find API (it is great), but nor have we set out to "build a DSL to create every SQL query ever".

That is just not Joist's strength--our strength is ergonomically representing complicated business domains, and enforcing complicated business constraints, and that is a hard enough problem as it is. :-)

Instead, we encourage you to use lower-level libraries like Knex for your app's custom queries.


Obviously having multiple full-fledged libraries, i.e. Joist for the domain model and Kysley for low-level queries, is not a great solution, and probably overkill.

Personally, we use Knex for our low-level custom queries (those 5%), because it's lightweight and sufficiently ergonomic.

Joist may eventually provide a "raw SQL" query builder, that is Knex-ish, but it will be a completely separate API from em.find, to avoid any slippery slopes to em.find becoming a leaky abstraction and creating "ugly queries".